I met this lovely lady earlier today at an ice scream store.
We pulled up to film a video. Normally at these shoots we walk in, we engage in some banter and then get to work. This lady was so appreciative we were there to film that almost 30 minutes went by before we started.
Her energy was lovely and it was a pleasant time.
Along the way she said something that stuck with me.
Beyond healthy habits, the secret to feeling great as lifes goes on is to embrace a love for life.
She had us all believing that loving life will keep you young.
Embracing who you are is a majour key of authenticity
I believe that being true to yourself is the best way to live happily.
A lot of people live lives where they shelter off parts of their personality. Whether it’s people pleasing or responsibilities, they tend to dislike life. It’s always complaining, sorrow or misery. I can think of a few past colleagues who were really on their Eeyore shit. I used to be on my Eeyore shit too.
When you are miserable and ignoring your blessings, you aren’t going to put out an energy that attracts more blessings.
Being a sourpuss will create a world where you end up isolated and alone.
Chances are you are a sourpuss because you are being fake about what makes you happy.
Embrace you are and fuck all the haters.
You can’t love life if you don’t love yourself first.
It’s okay to be a little polarizing in your happiness quest
A lot of people don’t like me.
What’s cool though is a lot more people really respect me. I don’t know if they like me as a person, but the people who don’t like me probably also hate what they perceive in me. Both camps are probably justified in how they feel.
I am not for everyone.
My whole life is kind of weird and I don’t behave in standard ways. The more I embrace my awkwardness, the more polarizing I become. Some people get what I am trying to do and others hate everything it represents.
I get why some folk think I’m disingenuous, sometimes that’s a fact of life.
End of the day, by being me, I can find my people.
The more I love being me, the more others can see that and want something like that within themselves.
That’s right, being your real you is how you build your community
I see a lot of my peers make shittier art choices out of this fear of what people think of them.
We’re talking like their immediate peers. Not necessarily fans or anything unbiased. Just the opinions of those who are deep in the trenches alongside them.
People build up this simplified idea of what branding is and then make up life characteristics to fulfil what they believe others want. This strategy is how you participate in other people’s communities. We should instead be finding complete strangers that share our ideals.
To build your own community, you need to be the one out there waving a flag.
Being a talented person is only as interesting as what you do with it. Those driven by causes bigger than themselves, start to embody the characteristics of real leadership. Ideals that are shared by others but embodied by those figures.
In other words, being the shit is a lot more about what you do when the smoke & mirrors disappear.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone