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Improving My RAM: A Journey Through Computer Upgrades and Daily Life

Showcasing the RGB in my computer

I’m waiting on more RAM to arrive for my computer. It took me way too long to decide if I want to get the version with RGB lights or not. Either way, a computer upgrade was necessary, more money spent so more money can be made.

I’ve heard that this RGB phenomenon is a scam since the lights remain hidden in the tower. A scam seems like a wild sentiment. I have a glass pane on PC and every time I look down the lit-up letters MSI stare back at me from my graphics card.

There is another cool lit up component I can’t see from this angle, but all I would need to do is put my computer on a shelf and I would see all of the lights. Like it’s Kanye and Rihanna without the domestic violence.

I opted to save 15$ and not get the superfluous but aesthetically pleasing feature.

I was finally going to stream music recording

Obnoxis gave me this beat to a song back in the Twitch cypher era. Every time I heard it, I had lost my mind over the sound. He gave it to me as a gift.

I started writing one song over it and it was really good. It was related to how I felt about the war in Ukraine and I wrote half of it when I felt one way and needed time to pass to finish it. Sometimes I have to live the conclusion of a song to know what it is.

Then I lost my phone and discovered I had not backed up those lyrics. Thankfully they were the only ones I lost but poof they were gone. Inevitably I scrapped the song idea and started anew.

I went to go set up my stream to record this joint, back on my actions make my anxiety subside vibes. Everything had been super slow on my system, and I realized why, half my RAM wasn’t being used. Already my 16 GB of DDR4 ram was not cutting it, so half that was a nightmare.

Right as I went to stream, I discovered this and it took me well over an hour to diagnose and fix the issue. I had to swap the RAM cards to new slots but basically one of them got loose. Amid all that I thought to myself, should I get more RAM?

Instead of music making, it was computer repairs.

What is RAM anyway?

I know that most people get bored when computer jargon kicks in. It may seem like I enjoy tech like that, but my enjoyment is a lot more philosophical than technical.

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM plays a huge role in your computer’s ability to multi-task. It’s known colloquially as your computer’s memory, and you can think of it like the temporary part of your memory when you are real time doing things.

It’s the multitask tool that allows you to grind up weed while simultaneously watching Netflix and having a conversation with your partner. The RAM you have contributes to your ability to do all that at once. They say women come equipped with more RAM and can thus multi-task better.

While increasing RAM will impact your computer’s speed, it’s not really the driving force behind how fast it goes. What it will do is help you run multiple things at the same time.

For example, Fallout 76 mixed with OBS, Google Chrome, Discord and Spotify. I know, Firefox is less demanding, but honestly, not by as much as folks make it out to be. My computer started running into problems with lag when too many things were happening at once. Given my streaming life, I can put some serious stress on the system throughout an afternoon.

The first of a few computer upgrades

This is going to be the first of a few upgrades I will likely be making over the next year. I got this computer in December 2018, at the time it was basically like I bought a Ferrari. Even the real computer geeks (I’m telling y’all I’m entry level at best) were impressed.

It could run every video game. Once, and only once because it was pointless, I played two games at the same time while Bonnie watched Netflix on the other screen. I remember spending ages on Amazon pricing out how to get 2 extra monitors instead of one extra monitor that still gave me what I wanted.

To this day, I’ve been spoiled with three monitors. I got the Occulus in December 2019 and technically that’s a 4th monitor as far as my computer is concerned. One day I’ll add a 4th one to the wall in my room to serve as a control monitor when streaming and I’m not at my desk. Okay I’m a little more than entry level geek, but trust, not that deep.

Cars are a good comparison to computers. They both devalue quickly, and today’s fire ass system is outpaced by new realities within years. My homie AMB who picked all my computer parts, did a lot to future proof my system as it took 4 and a half years to buy my first upgrade.

Like a car, after that first repair, more upgrades will come.

Googling new things can be torturous

One of the greater failings of the educated across the last while was to send ignorant folks into the algorithm to self-educate. People took the “did you Google that” mentality to meme tier. Unfortunately, my Google and your Google are different.

When the topic is what is the 9th digit of Pi, all our Googling should produce valid results. When the topic is, what is “Toxic Masculinity” you may get very different results based on who and where you are.

When you Google, “what is the best DDR4 RAM” you go down a rabbit hole of meaningless jargon. Okay it has meaning. RAM gets sold in RAM stick form and each has a bunch of stats. You’ll see the generation, speed, the latency and how much memory the stick actually has.

The DDR part refers to the generation. Maybe it’s not actually that, who cares. If you don’t really know about RAM, then you probably are going to get DDR4 so you can have nice RAM.

The speed is a 4-digit number that will appear after DDR4, like 3200. Bigger number, more speed. You’ll a C number. That is latency, the lower that is the better. The most important part is how many GB each stick can handle.

Reddit told me because I have AMD I should opt for the higher speed and take the hit in latency. I am sure people who really know things would argue, I did my “research” best I could.

Waiting on Amazon to deliver

You ever have something out for delivery and you feel like your day actually starting revolves around receiving that package? That’s how I feel today. Which is silly because I’ve already been doing things, like writing this blog.

I also dealt with the miserable experience of failing to upload Day Vlog 3 to Instagram earlier. I had to inevitably accept defeat on effort one and reupload, which worked. 2023 and videos be not uploading, #FirstWorldProblems.

Notice I put the TikTok link instead? Huzzah trying to push the Tok these days. When you are waiting for delivery/you can’t leave the crib because you don’t want your computer parts stolen, it’s learning time.

I just found out how little I know about TikTok SEO. Apparently if you click on your video and the autofill shows a category in the “related content” search bar, you did good. Only one of my last 50 videos has that. Therefore, I am absolutely failing at communicating the point of the Behind That Suit TikTok to the algorithm.

I feel my brain is like my computer. A superpower in 2018 struggling to upgrade itself in real time to 2023 standards. Over the last 5 years, all of which are in my 30’s, I slowly embraced the old man. Now I am rediscovering my agility, or I should say humility.

Looks like if I am to try and prove my skills to employers, I will need to learn TikTok SEO basics today.

Blue Dog over St. Jerome

I was supposed to go perform with Travis Bryant in Saint-Sauveur yesterday. The cool part of doing features with other people is you can go perform at all kinds of stuff you aren’t booked at. Apparently, the police had a problem with the show, and it got moved to St. Jerome.

Saint-Sauveur is north of Montreal by a long way. St. Jerome is a little bit closer but is still a good 45-minute drive north. Originally there was supposed to be a limo, thus travel existed. Somehow when the plans shifted, all the plans shifted.

I peeped what was going on and remember Millers invited me to some Blue Dog party he was involved with. This became my backup plan. I like Millers, he’s a lil one with a generous heart, adventurous lifestyle and for whatever reason thinks I’m some cool older guy.

Part of socializing with people that are like 15 years younger than you, is you need to remember that you are their uncle’s age or some shit. You are so far from their peer in life that it’s almost an elephant in the room. However, you acknowledge it without being afraid of it and learn from the cultural exchange of generation gaps.

I do love when people think I’m 25 so they get really comfy with me fast and are shocked to find out I got 10 years on them.

Chasing views is unforgiving

Last week Our PRSPCTVS got 264 views and this week it’s sitting high at 23 views. This time I did cut up 5 clips, added captions and have them ready to try and promote the content. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to fully blur out our weed smoking for TikTok, oh well.

Best practices on SEO, create compelling titles and thumbnails. Make your videos with higher production value. Be more interesting. Do more, and more, and more.

I get it, woe is me and all that smallest violin bullshit people tell me when I try and describe this frustration inside. And it really is bullshit to me, like I am fully aware how blessed I am that some of my biggest stresses are people don’t watch my content. I don’t need to be reminded of that every time.

Stuff like that kind of reaction is why I don’t really talk about how I feel much anymore to people. Sometimes I need to make a big deal over something superfluous. When that is met with people mocking me, it makes me retract. At least when it’s in private. I get in public it’s different, that’s all for show.

I’m going to learn what I need to learn, and my content is going to reach more eyes because otherwise I need to pivot into a new life. I’ve spent so much time and money on this I don’t believe that’s a real option for me.

Learn or perish.

Blue Dog was fun, let’s be more positive

I ended up cycling to Blue Dog, wearing my new red OG Dead Pickle hoodie. I like it when the jackets go away. My bag was full of merch, merch I moved no pieces of.

I need to figure out this hustle game better. I should hit up 7:Thirty to follow him around and watch the master move his shit.

To show you my brain’s RAM limitations, I managed to film what I needed for my day vlog at Blue Dog. I forgot entirely I needed to also take pics. Going out comes with a lot more work these days than it used to.

There’s the blog and vlog both based on my life and then I want to launch a new thing featuring artists I’m around. I want to quiz them on their favourite Montreal stuff.

Blue Dog had great music and a moderate crowd size. It wasn’t super popping, but it wasn’t dead. Given I’d been home all week, it was nice to be out and about. I had taken a nap and drank a coffee and was good to go.

There was a raffle for a bottle, and I unfortunately did not win this bottle. I am a sucker for a good raffle.

Comedy/Rap Show & More Blue Dog today

The real question I’m left with is if I keep ending up at fun places doing fun things, how do I get more people to see how littyyy it all is. Or maybe there is just way different stuff I have yet to experience in Montreal. The more vibes I experience the more vibes I can bring into what I curate.

My career started in 2012 with a comedy/rap show. Witness invited me to one that he and Basics are performing at today. I’m on the guest list, huzzah! I’m guest list cool these days.

That show is taking place somewhere in the Plateau and then after that is done, the DJ Blaster/Daddy Maysr dance party is going down at Blue Dog. I hope I can cycle to all this as the weather today is phenomenal. Bonnie is supposed to come to at least the dance party part, so we’ll see how the cycling pans out.

I hope my RAM arrives soon, as it’s tank top and shorts weather now and I would love to go see some sunny Montreal. Film some stuff for Day Vlog 4. Take some Meta Blueprint courses in the sun.

I digress, this feels like as good as any place to end this. Until the next time.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone

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