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Today Was A Really Good Day

Today I woke up and realized I didn’t need a coffee. I checked the Uber Driver map and it was red red, meaning y’all did not plan for ice and people needed that surge price Uber. I got my first trip at 2.5X pricing, did a second one and came home. It was 9:00 AM and I had still drank no caffeine and made some money.

On a typical morning, I take a good hour to wake up. Drink that coffee, become a human. Then I’d drink a lot more coffee throughout the day. I started thinking about my health a lot more and realized, this can’t be the future for me. It’s time to break away from my coffee addiction. 

Originally this was going to be a blog about breaking free from coffee, but it’s just been a really good day so far. I just wanted to get it out. 

Not needing a coffee changes the game

When I woke up and was, well, awake and alert, I was pretty surprised. It’s been a week now that I’ve drastically reduced my coffee intake and as I type this today, I have not drank anything with caffeine in it. I do need to drink more water though. I just took a sip, you should take one too. 

There have been a few days I’ve looked at the Uber map, and seen a fast 20$, but because it took so long to get started in the morning I missed it. I desire the ability to just get up and go, without the need for a stimulant, and I will achieve this goal. The way the Uber game works, I think I can pull an extra couple of hundred a month just giving up coffee in the morning.

My energy isn’t exactly 100% as the afternoon goes on, but I am aware that the body adapts. Mixing a reduction in caffeine with a surplus of cardio will overcome this slump. Plus I am bound to pee less, coffee is not kind to a man’s bladder.

I also consider things like my New York City and Toronto trips. Trying to find a coffee in the streets to get my brain working is a waste of trip time. Sometimes an Airbnb has coffee, sometimes you have to figure that shit out. I want to be less of a cranky pants in the morning. If coffee miraculously helps me be nice, imagine if I can just skip the coffee step and get into a good mood all on my own. Imagine.

Today has been a profitable day

I woke up and saw that the biggest sale of my salesperson career had closed. While sending off an invoice is fun, seeing the money come in is the bees knees. Now that I’m on my contractor hustle, how much money I make in a day is very fickle, so when the wins are big, it’s truly a day where coffee is less of a thought. 

I didn’t do a lot of Uber, but I did start off the morning making a few Uber dollars. The lady on the second trip was real fun. When I got home, I hit my exercise bike and got my workout in. The body needs investing for its future profitability. This had me in a stellar mood when it was time to actually start working.

With endorphins flowing I started out my sales grind. I needed to head downtown for a meeting at 11:30 AM. I got there and found parking on St. Catherine, about a minute away from the restaurant. The blessings just kept on flowing from my PRSPCTVS.

With my confidence high I walked into my meeting with the right energy. I answered all the person’s questions with skill, dissuaded any doubt and got this guy ready to send off the payment later today. It hasn’t come in yet, so I don’t want to be too premature, but if it does, there will be as big a smile on my face as when I woke up. Plus someone else confirmed payment for another deal. Some days you send off invoices and some days the money flows in.

I’m still heading out to take advantage of this awful weather and make some more Uber dollars later. (Currently I’m waiting for my laptop to come in, once it does I’m out the door). I think today is going to be one of the nicest days of money making I’ve had in a long while. Good thing too because I just bought that aforementioned laptop (I realized I can’t keep showing up to meetings unarmed after watching Budz do his thing in real time). 

It’s important to appreciate the good days

A lot of the time we struggle and go through our respective grinds. A lot of days have good moments. Today has been an Ice Cube level good day. Oh snap, I just realized I’ve held my promo selling position for 6 months. Ya boy done grown up to become a salesman after all. 

One of the restaurant owners I sold to a few months back, more or less said I could come get food whenever I wanted. Today I put the theory to the test and was gifted with food. I’m not sure if my good fortune is the lack of coffee, but it’s wild how my first day without coffee in like 15 years comes blessed with extra cash and free food. 

Every day is not so blessed. Some days we get flat tires and panic attacks. Other days we deal with the petty nuances of reality. Sometimes you go to that sales meeting and it doesn’t go as well. What matters is to keep learning from the losses so you can start to really appreciate the days that are wins. 

I am truly humbled when the universe allows the magic to flow in my direction. Lately, in a lot of ways it has, but today was like a waterfall breaking through the dam. I have nothing to complain about today. I have no profound thoughts. I am just in a good mood and wanted to share it with the world.

Like it’s pretty cool. I finished my 27th blog in 27 days just now.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone P.S.- I was logging in to post this, ANOTHER restaurant hit me up ready to move forward. Looks like I'm sending off an invoice soon.

P.P.S. - That was my first blog P.S.

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