Today I wanted to talk about the value of putting yourself into new rooms. I won’t forget when Taigenz put that notion into my head and so far it’s done a lot to help increase my network. We all know your network builds your net worth.
As some of you may know, I’m on the board of directors of Notre Dame Des Arts, the not for profit behind NDG Arts Week. This is a volunteer position and an opportunity to apply my skills to help NDG. Chances are whatever you see on the Notre Dame Des Arts IG account moving forward was posted by me.
Scott Galloway, who is a marketer I am inspired by, keeps going on about the value of service on the Prof G podcast. He feels a key thing missing in our society is a willingness to serve a cause greater than yourself. Listening to him put into context what I can really do with this board, throw myself into a cause that will help the people immediately around me.
The world is bigger than we think in independent music
For years I scratched my head on how to move forward. Recently I realized the power of what I will colloquially call the “mom brigade” of organized parent types that volunteer and make shit happen. They are often looking for cool opportunities for their kids and move mountains to create miracles.
While I was at the bake sale, I met a person, who may not even be a mom, that was very involved in the world of not for profits and fundraising. I explained to them some of my challenges and they were like BET, here’s 20 FB groups you need to know about. Hit them with your donation link, and voila the money will start to move in. They broke down a basic affiliate marketing for charity work course on the spot.
I was dumbfounded because all of this information, all these helpful people are just right there. They just may be asleep when we perform at 12:00 AM on a Wednesday night.
There were a good 50 people who pulled up to this family disco thing I was selling baked goods at. I’ve never met most of these people before. I saw teenagers going hard to Taylor Swift. I saw dads acting corny and not trying to dance (the moms got right into it).
I just realized there is such a bigger, more organized world out there. It just takes putting yourself into a role that isn’t about you to see it. I was sitting there next to Peter McQueen learning how NDG politics work, because he was there and I was there. Get involved, people will pay more attention to you.
Build projects that can make your friends money
I hit someone with a proposal today. Volunteer your time to our project now and we’ll try and get you grant money later. If all goes well on April 15th, we’ll have a cool fundraiser in place featuring musical education from one of my homies.
We are trying to put together a project that takes experienced music folk, and has them teaching newbies and other skill levels. Frankly it’s not that flushed out. Today the idea was born and now I put it into motion. Someone pointed out this could be a fire idea for teenagers too. Which is pretty dope, Notre Dame Des Arts is for the children like Wu-Tang.
Still I made a couple of posts, on behalf of the not for profit for my idea. Within hours I was linked up with a person who works at English Language Arts Network. They look nifty, I tried to pay to join them but my credit card didn’t work. When I know more I will update you. Participating in supporting not for profits like this can unlock resources for you as an artist that you are unaware of.
Apparently they can also help not for profit board director me, launch this program with free coaching. Basically, make a project that helps other people, so you can get your foot in the door finding funding for your own work down the line. To be clear, my altruism is fuelled by a desire to sell tickets to my neighbourhood for my own projects one day. I’m just willing to put effort into building something to earn that.
I got a meeting on Friday to learn more.
Community building is just good for adults
One of the things I’ve noticed is that not many men seem to be that invested in the not for profit world. I encourage all my fellow brothers out there to give some of their time to help build up these organizations. While there isn’t going to be cheddar in every move, there is money waiting for you if you get into this world.
It’s very much a nepotistic world of who remembers who when an opportunity arises. Say people know you have skill in a certain domain, because you’ve been volunteering. You may be the next person thought of when grant money opportunities pop up. Believe you me if there is a grant involved, people will be getting paid somewhere.
One of the things I feel helped shape the early years of Hip Hop, and most cultural movements I find cool, was a community-centric approach. While it was about certain lifestyles and attitudes, there was a core desire across the board to see a better future for the kids. In order for us to achieve that, people in their adult years need to get involved.
For all my people out there wondering what their next moves will be, peep the local community organization game. A lot of you have creative skills that would benefit whatever team you join. Plus all that can go on your CV. If you make some waves that raise money for a charity, you can claim that on your CV, because you really did do that.
Anyway I just felt inspired. My heart is in the right place and the universe is responding. You know me, when I learn ways to improve I share it. I want all of you to steal my ideas and grow.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone