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The Hungover Adventure of the Madchild Show

Writer: Holden Stephan RoyHolden Stephan Roy

I can tell you one thing, when I’m not drinking my memory of events is way crisper. That Tremblant adventure is still a blurry mess and thus the blog about it, is probably the shortest one I wrote. I also wrote it on my phone without the keyboard and word count.

Low key that word count going up is like a score in a video game and it makes me want to write more. I woke up today around noon. The past 4 days of adventuring has caught up with me. Even though I didn’t drink last night, I did get home late and somehow found reasons to not go to bed.

My body was definitely detoxing toxins, and it was not easy to stay asleep. There also still isn’t any hot water (since Saturday) so there is a giant stack of dishes that need to be done. Super enthused to get to that.

Different kinds of hangovers

I am no drinking expert. Most of y’all know my go to is the fire and plant combo. Still when partying, alcohol creates a level of no regard I only experience drunk. So here and there we run it.

Then there is the next day. The worst of the hangovers to me is when you can’t do anything because you are glued to the toilet puking up the 4 sips of water from twenty minutes ago. Those days are trash.

I was left with the version of a hangover where I was groggy but still able to keep water and coffee down. Maybe I drank water when I got home? I don’t know.

But you have to understand I drank an irresponsible, it was good nothing bad happened amount. To wake up the next day, before noon, and be relatively functional impressed me.

I don’t like not remembering things. Every time I drink to a blackout point, I really have to think about if it’s worth it. It’s like living these fine moments and then you watch the video after and go heh, this really happened.

We aren’t talking the normal kind of drunk where as the day goes on it all comes back to you. We’re talking that black out everything’s a hazy mess drunk.

Tipsy me sort of knows his limits. Drunk me is like a drink gobbling monster.

The longest album review ever

I don’t mean in terms of video watch time. Chris and I had to review the Del the Funky Homosapien & Amp Live project, Gate 13. Our Patreon member Lyndell pays us monthly to see us talk about reviews. He pays for this so what happens is we go live life and get hit with the, oh shit we have to the review this weekend for real moment.

I was too drunk on the bus ride home to keep on drinking. Chris apparently poured Jameson into a cup. He then forgot to add the coke, and apparently this unexpected demon of a shot was the one that took Chris over the edge. I then heard he kept drinking.

Sloppy dead on the bus me was spared the pain Chris felt as the day wore on. Still this album review was hard to do. I don’t know how people get wasted wasted and then pull up the next day to entertain people over and over again.

I don’t think I want to learn how.

The album is pretty great, I would not call it hangover friendly. Somewhere near the end of it I was hit with whatever Chris was feeling and couldn’t wait to get off the review.

I still need to edit it, but I knew that I needed some rest fast.

Naps are the motif of life

I used to be annoying about Bonnie taking naps. I didn’t really understand the value in them. I was also bad at napping as I’d sleep too long and fuck up my day. Basically, I can be passive aggressive and jealous sometimes.

It’s also not lost on me that when your body needs rest, it needs rest. I’m not getting younger, and I am doing more ambitious things.

I got a good hour and a bit in and then woke up with the knowledge that I still had to go to the Madchild show. While I’m not that into his solo career, the KIL Team was on the card, so I had to pull up.

My knee was scabbed over, so any time I moved it, there was pain. Standing was okay, cycling sounded like something I’d regret. I’m sure it’s the kind of pain you get used to, but why go through that for nothing.

As I discovered later on in the night when I’d forget about my knees and dance, it was the right call to not cycle. I spent the whole night being reminded that drunk me fell hard. Literal pain to suffer for my sin of gluttony.

The Madchild preshow

Shobiz514, Dre from Drug Prophets and Will E. Skandalz

From what I heard sound check was at 5:30 and then did not happen until much later. Doors open was at 7:00 PM. I realized I had no good reason to cut my nap short and arrived at the venue with half of a blog written for 7:30 or so.

Legendz hooked me up with my ticket. I would have copped off one of my KIL Team brethren, but Ledendz hit me before the show was even announced. He had copped two of those Paul Wall tickets off me so reciprocity babyyyy.

I got there as Regulators were sound checking my favourite joint of theirs, so I ran in to scream out my “definition of fuck friends”. Happy I caught that. I never get tired of that song.

I walked around the venue a bit and saw the familiar faces I knew. Then I went back outside. I know at some point I had my 15th iteration of, there’s only clothing in my bag, I assure you there’s no booze or weapons chat with Belmont security.

The security dude tells me to check my bag, I’m like my bag is advertising my brand. Inevitably he lets me in with my bag.

I don’t play with fate on this one. I know you can’t even have a bottle of water when you go inside Belmont. I don’t bring any drinks in, but I do walk around with like 8 T-shirts and a battery pack.

The show begins

At some point while I’m outside again I hear Will E. Skandalz start to hype up the crowd. Part of me is like I should go in and see who’s performing so I can write about them. I instead stood outside for a bit more and when I walked in I caught the last song dude did. I liked it but I could tell I was not in a pay attention kind of mood.

Smoking Ink performing

The second act wasn’t there so Smoking Ink became the second act. Rozwell and Haché killed their set. I’m biased as I’m a big fan of what they do and well, team things. Now knowing what song Shobiz514 was featured on, I worked my way to the side of the stage.

Then the team gets invited on stage and I proceed to turn up and sweat all over that Belmont stage. My knees hurting and all.

Squash Comp came next, I think. Their set is pretty great. They have a bilingual energy that hits multiple genres as each performer takes the vibe in a new direction. Their collective is special to watch as they appear to actually like each other and it shows in their performance.

Squash Comp performing

Bertrand the Visionary’s smile on stage is infectious AF, I liked his performance. He really has passion for this. I really enjoyed Ridin’s energy as well. The whole posse did well, good show.

Natasha Marie came off like a queen.

The show continues

I found out Blaster, who was pickled up, had told everyone how good of a time I had at Tremblant. Blaster is a professional at this, Holden fell with a thunderous sound to Blaster’s surprise.

The next act was 7:Thirty and Crazy Ace. Their set had a raw, underground posse feel to it that was amazing to see. The whole Regulators team, Shobiz514 and Sammy Skills were on the stage backing each other up. Finishing each other’s lines and building hype.

7:thirty and Crazy Ace performing

Crazy Ace brings a strong presence where his comfort and ease on a mic shine through. 7:Thirty and the Regulators boys brought their A-game, this may have been their finest set. Sammy Skills is the ultimate hype man to have on stage.

Shobiz514 at Belmont

Special shoutout to Shobiz514 who’s finally started to bounce to the beat, on his quest to dancing in public one day.

M.O.T. was next and came with the energy. I like his songs, so I was happily half singing along in the crowd. M.O.T. is extremely confident and believes in his music and every time I see him, he gets better at what he does.

M.O.T. and DJ Blaster at Belmont

Robbie G was the last opener. He most definitely makes his living off touring now and it shows in how well he performs. The years of experience oozes out of everything from crowd interaction to the choreography of his songs.

Robbie G

I liked his performance enough to buy his book after. That’s right the man is a published authour.

Can't forget about Legendz

At first I didn't realize this pic was from Legendz set. I was struggling to remember the exact set order. Maybe I should take notes at the event.

Legendz performing

Legendz had a high energy performance where his literal stamina is off the charts. His music is extremely marketable and works well in a live setting. People vibed to his set.

He shared with me some big news that is fully justified by the skill he brings to his performance. When that is announced let there be no surprises there as he has put the work in to earn this.

Outside of his performing Legendz is a supportive dude. He is at a lot of people's shows giving love. I'm happy to see him get his shine.

Half the reason this is its own section is because good SEO practice is to keep these sections below 250 words each. This is also me writing a bit of filler to flush out this section.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Madchild

Madchild performing

Madchild came on almost immediately after Robbie G. Usually there’s a bit of a break before the main act coming out. I am not sure if it’s because the main acts are still getting into their head space or if this is a deliberate smoke break.

Either way the next thing I knew Madchild was on stage performing. He went through a series of songs I was unfamiliar with. Then a Swollen Members joint came on and low key I lost my shit.

While I didn’t get into Madchild’s solo career, a teenage me was very into Swollen Members. I’d say somewhere around 2008 my interests went in new direction but as a Canadian I have to respect the work Madchild put in so that we can have careers today.

Madchild performing

His fans in the crowd knew the words to the music and he looked genuinely happy gliding across the stage performing. He seemed concerned that people may not like his newer music and I get the feeling it must be frustrating to try and evolve as a person and have this music you need to perform that brings you into an uncomfortable head space.

Someone offered him a drink and he made sure to ask if there was no Fentanyl in it. Which is a wild thing to have to be worried about and you can see Madchild is trying to be the best he can be. At least that was my PRSCPTVS from the crowd.

Madchild did a good set.

The post show

It felt like this show ended earlier than most we have done. I think this had a lot of us down to keep standing around socializing. The meet and greet part was going to begin and once you leave the bar at this point you cannot go back in.

Not even to pee, I learned that the hard way.

Inevitably I left and ended up missing the bus. Which meant a nice chunky wait for the next one. The thing is, given the time it wasn’t as bad. There was no fear of being stranded as is the case when it’s after 1 AM and you miss a bus.

I used the bus ride home to finish the blog I put out early this morning. I’m already behind on a few things so I didn’t want this blog to become something with a backlog too.

Now that this is done I have a couple of hours to get chores done before the interview we are filming today.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone


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