In a perfect world we’d all find these magical helpers who want to handle grunt work for free.
The real world has people out there trying to pay bills and find purpose, who tend to like getting pay.
I was speaking with a very accomplished person yesterday as we were spitballing ideas of life and the future. During that chat it became clear how important doing the work is. Something she said to me was to be the top in her field would entail so much doing the work that she’d never have a family or a life again.
In her mind it was, hustle towards her goals or risk falling off.
Still, there are many things in my life that feel “on pause” and it’s because when push comes to shove, I’m not doing the work.
Delegation is an important tool, but in the beginning if there’s no one to delegate to, you need to get into it.
It’s supposed to be hard to make miracles happen in your life
I don’t think anyone likes how hard it is to become great, but hard appears to be a requirement.
The world is full of people willing to put in a mid level of effort. The world is full of naturally talented people with potential. A lot of the time the difference between good and great is effort.
My frustration in life comes from a conflict in priorities. I simultaneously want to pursue my dreams, but recognize the best way to do that is to hold off on some projects while I clear debt. This has me doing all kinds of stuff that is unrelated to my dreams. Despite it being work that unlocks my dreams in the big picture.
It’s been a challenge to find motivation to work on my passion project after running around these days. It’s important to remember that I can’t be mad that others aren’t doing the work for me.
It’s bloody hard to find balance.
Take small pockets of time to move things forward
End of the day I’m probably doing too much to actually build right now.
I can still take time here and there and work on my future self. There are certain things I really want to implement, that every time I explain it to someone will end up with, “but first I need to get a lot of data”. Clearly this means I need to force myself to start a data hunting mission or two.
I also need to learn how to use CapCut better and edit a couple of things.
There are several areas of my life with these projects that need to be focused on, like I need to start making sure I’m prepared for my Puerto Rico trip (I still need some luggage).
One of the main things I need to focus on implementing post vacation is planned recreation.
When it’s all work and no play the apathy comes and it stays
Somewhere over the last few months I’ve lost my joy for the projects I’m involved with.
I’m still passionate and want things to win, but often it feels like checklist items. More distractions away from this impending stress of catchup work. Then when I finally get to a point where I can continue some passion/chore stuff, it’s late and my energy is gone.
In the back of my mind it’s guilt for other mismanaged time and it’s really distracting.
You need to plan for recreation and other opportunities to reset your PRSPCTVS. Mine are all skewed and it’s affecting me in bad ways .It’s important to recharge here and there.
It’s not lazy to plan recreation, you just need to do everything else in the plan… or do you?
How badly you want to win will be based on choosing to do the work
This year I haven’t wanted to win per se.
I’ve wanted to make my money and declutter my mind. Part of why I really like Uber is it’s a productive place to just sit and be. I get paid to drive people around and listen to podcasts and stuff and at the end of the day it’s pleasant.
While I will need to plan some more recreation in my life, that has to come with greater focus and time management. The only way I’ll feel better about life is to grind through the misery and get myself through this messy phase. The present self builds for the future self.
I chose to waste time when I was younger and now I’m in catchup mode, and it sucks.
Even though it sucks, great people will find ways to do the work and so will I.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone