Due to a series of random events, I'm connected to the representative behind the “Bonjour-Hi” graffiti around NDG.
That is not to say the representative is the artist, though I have my theories.
This has led to the opportunity to create a Bonjour-Hi song. In my quest to look for something that truly represents the city, those two words are something we can all connect to. Recent;y I’ve been pondering this very thing and it feels like the universe is guiding me forward.
At this point I already got the beat and the hook, things are in motion.
Often when trying to capture a moment you need to move fast. There is no luxury of taking time.
The moment is here until it’s gone.
That being said, the pressure of execution is a joy in life.
Making a song is logistically pretty easy
First you need a beat.
With a beat, you can get to the writing part (at least that’s my process). Depending on your goals, you can get a team of people involved. I’ve already reached out to another local rapper to contribute a verse. Maybe we get a singer involved. There are many options.
Once the team is assembled the song gets written. It needs to be recorded, mixed & mastered. There’s a quality assurance process and then everyone signs off. You also need cover art and then you can release the song.
There’s always the option to record some visuals to further promote the joint, we’ve got some ideas for that as well.
Making a song with a deadline when you’re busy is pretty inconvenient
The great ones figure out how to pull off everything with impossible deadlines.
This means that if the job is not done, then they sacrifice sleep, or whatever else it is to get it done. In my case, Bonnie is often the one who loses out when I get too much on my plate. Some weeks there’s very little time to chill.
When you want something bad enough you will take the time to figure it out.
There is always a solution.
I just need to accept that good opportunities are rarely convenient.
The inconvenience makes it hard, but very rewarding when the payoff comes.
Making a song you know people may listen to critically adds some pressure
While I think people will hear my music, I haven’t had a lot of viral moments.
Done right, a politically charged song about language politics can connect at a deeper level. It may not break Montreal, but it can be something that breaks in Montreal. Either way I don’t want to come off corny.
By tomorrow I need a clear concept of what I want to say with this song. Then writing the verse and executing on the rest will be easy. Still, I have ideas, but it’s not concrete yet.
When things are unknown, don’t shy away from a challenge.
Say yes, figure it out along the way.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone