I’m in a park up the street from the Airbnb killing time in North York by Toronto.
Tonight I’ll be performing a small set to a bunch of strangers 480 KM from home. This one’s different from my last trips for two reasons, I’m riding solo and I got merch to sell.
The first few trips to Toronto I did were completely dependent on finding people to ride with. I didn’t have a car, so between rentals and sleep these trips could add up solo. I got lucky to find a 60$ queen sized bed to sleep in but I was also offered a coach closer to the venue.
It’s going to cost me about 100$ in gas, possibly less and overall on my own my share of the trip is what my end of a group trip would be.
Only today I have the freedom to do me with the whip to get me anywhere.
Overall today feels like a blessed day.
I had to hustle hard to pull this off today
All week I had to squeeze my weekend Uber hours in.
I was up before 6 AM from Tue to Thur just hustling both jobs. Going on a trip like this includes a loss of revenue that needs to be accounted for as I endure the most expensive time of year for me. When I left this morning, knowing my money was right, I felt proud.
It’s a blessing to be in a place in life where on a whim I can just decide to go to another city. I may even end up in LA late November, that just feels possible. I know I can hustle however hard I need to in order to get my ass out there.
The lives we live are based on priorities. Instead of sleeping in today I was on the road literally chasing my dreams. Micro moment by micro moment getting closer.
This moment of being surrounded by trees, writing my daily article with no stress is one I’ll treasure.
I like going places with a purpose and mission
While vacations are dope this feels like a work trip/adventure.
I’m here to rap. I’m here to hustle clothes. I’m here to meet new people.
This type of top level structure is good for me. While I’m also here to have fun, the rest of it adds more meat to the potatoes. It makes this trip feel like a clear investment in my future.
Which it is. This trip is a tax write off. I can prove to the government that this shit’s business.
Sometimes I spend too much time looking for the work side of a casual moment. Flipping what should be some fun chill time into content or a brand building adventure. I get how it’s not great for my social life but it makes me feel alive to chase it all.
Having the autonomy to do it on my own, with my own money, is simply a big blessing.
At this phase in my life I need to focus on that to keep my inner peace.
Tonight will be a fun vibe of music, strippers and downtown Toronto
While I feel all peaceful and calm now the day will evolve.
When I’m around a bunch of strangers it can be intense. All these energies and vibes that blend into a chaotic mix of the room. It is very performative for me to navigate that and not be a complete weirdo.
I like being social but it is not easy.
The more I can have my life in a place of strength, the better I am in those moments. Hustling to earn the blessing of serenity is a big focus for me. That serenity gives me the will to be hospitable.
This whole article is me expressing gratitude to God, myself or whomever will listen. For a lot of reasons it is a good day. You need to appreciate those.
It’s about time for me to try to get into my Airbnb early so I can shower and head towards Toronto proper.
Hope your day is also blessed.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone