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How to Create Custom GPTs to Save You Time

AI generated thumbnail about how to use chatgpt

I made this thumbnail using ChatGPT. There is a specific GPT that is made by/with Canva. All I had to do was ask for a thumbnail about with some instructions and boom it was generated:

creating a thumbail in chatgpt

ChatGPT has some big changes coming. As of early April the entire custom plugin situation that made GPTs more powerful is being deaded by OpenAI. Instead we are getting the world order of custom GPT experiences.

This includes already made GPTs, like the Canva one, or another that OpenAI made regarding cleaning stains. It will also include GPTs you customize yourself. Either way, the future is ChatGPT and it's big tech competitors.

ChatGPT has a store of different GPTs you can use

You will need to pay for ChatGPT Pro. This is worth doing. For 30$ or so Canadian, you will unlock a super useful tool. Then you can create your own custom GPTs.

A brief recap, there is out of the box ChatGPT. This does what it wants and gives unpredictable results. It's best used when trying to create parody in the style of a dead comic or something.

Then you can create custom GPTs that can be primed and customized for different purposes. As example, I found one that is a narrative game called Escape The Hunt. You write out your actions and the GPT responds keeping the story going:

escape the hunt gpt in chatgpt

Now there are far more practical ones. All you need to do is click over on Explore GPTs on the left. Then you will see both a search bar and a list of all the available public GPTs you can access:

Explore GPTs option in chatGPT

These ones will help you get started without any configuring it. Think of this as the closest thing to apps that ChatGPT has to offer. Specific customizations already created by other people that can save you time. Like I found one that said it would make me social videos so I gave it a request to make anti pickle propaganda:

Video creator GPT in Chat GPT

After answering the questions with 2 sentence I got this back:

Anyway from writing tips to fun games, there seems to be a ton of custom GPTs to explore. Let me know your favourite ones.

Creating your own custom GPT

I want to get my CV up to date. It turns out to apply for various musical opportunities I will need to have a music CV. I've also held a new job for about 7 months, I figured it was time to make it current to my life. The theory is, should I ever look for a job in the future, I want a GPT that will let me copy and paste a job description and get back a CV and cover letter taylored to that role.

In the Explore GPTs section at the top left you can click on +Create:

Then it will open a window where you will talk with the GPT. It will ask you about the tone it should take and what your goals are. Take the opportunity to ask it questions. Find out what information it requires from you. As an example I asked it how I can upload my career history and it gave me tips. Once it is done it will take notes on all your specific instructions:

example of custom GPT in chatgpt

All this can be updated and modified in real time. There is a Knowledge section where you can upload stuff like your CV and other background information. I will create a profile for myself and upload it as a PDF. This way the chat will learn what I've done and it will reduce the amount of hallucinations (making shit up) that happens when it rewrites my CV. You also won't need to explain who you are each time.

knowledge upload custom gpt in chat gpt

You can toggle a few other settings. Web Browsing allows the GPT access to the web. Since ChatGPT has a knowledge cutoff date of early 2023, this is required for up to date information. Be warned ChatGPT is bad at this. You can use DALL-E to generate images in your chat. You can also allow the GPT to perform code based actions like math and such. Once I learn more about how all these work I will share with you.

The main point is you can setup a GPT to perform a specific task. Once it's ready, that is all that one GPT will be good for. Thankfully the GPTs will be able to connect to each other. This will let you create some pretty cool workflows later on.

A code free future is coming

While there will likely be people who need to code, there will be far less of them out there. ChatGPT requires a skill in written language to work. You simply explain things, clearly. The more concise and clear you are, the better the GPT will understand what you want.

In a not so distant future, you will need to be really good at explaining to a GPT what you need. Then it will scope the project, write the code and deliver an app for you to QA. You can then use basic English to tweak the app with descriptive commands. As time goes on, it will get very good at understanding regular language.

Already ChatGPT has entered a realm of anyone can use it. All you need to do is talk to the tool. It's an amazing timesaver for things like brainstorming and editing. Despite the general fear of AI, it's worth trying it out and seeing what tomfoolery you can come up with. Currently Chris is learning Midjourney, which is going through it's own version of being so incredible it is mindblowing. What the V6 of Midjourney can produce is showing me that commercial graphic designers are going to lose their jobs if they are not actually slick with it. Google Tyler Perry and Sora to see where the video version of it all is at. Anyway have fun and play with the tech responsibly. Live Long and Prosper Everyone

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