Quiz Master Brian was hosting this event over at The Wheel Club.
Brian and I networked and he said we could raise some money for Notre Dame Des Arts (NDA). We (the board) would come down and participate in trivia, trying to encourage folk to come drink at the bar. Then we’d get to ask for money during the night. The trivia was really fun. The lovely middle class trivia goers turned out to be very generous.
It was a really inspiring moment.
The skill share program I piloted as another fundraising idea did not make anywhere near what we pulled off of Quiz Master Brian’s charm. This fundraising thing is new for me but I’m determined to generate enough money for NDA as I can. As stated yesterday, this is going to be how I relaunch my career. Helping others so I can help myself.
The kindness of people caring is a dopamine hit akin to most drugs I’ve tried.
The ability to fundraise is a transferable skill to any passion project
In most cases not for profits are passion projects that have moved past the idea phase.
Being able to jump on board a moving vehicle gives you some momentum when chasing new ideas. People may not support your own personal projects. Those same ideas behind a vehicle like a not for profit will be perceived differently by the public. It’s no longer about you. It's about the community and helping themselves via your work.
While the wins don’t benefit you per se, they are still your wins.
Since the whole funding process is the same for artists and organizations you can get some real practice in. The kind of practice where you get measurable results. The kind of results that future employers may nod their eyebrows at when you explain the value you can bring. I didn’t realize fundraising for a not for profit could be so helpful. I’ve not gone far yet but this journey will introduce me to so many people I feel my life beginning to change.
By giving to NDA I am gaining tangible wisdom.
Representing something legitimate makes people take you seriously
I spent a long time trying to grow my little music empire.
For the most part it felt like I was overlooked. A lot of people supported the movement and showed love, with dollars. We love each and every one of you that did. Outside of those in the know, we got no shine. It turned out I lacked the skills to generate hype.
To be more specific I wasn’t doing anything the greater public was interested in.
NDA creates Arts Week, an annual festival that supports local artists. We are in the process of developing new programs to keep people engaged all year. Some will be fundraisers, others will be focused on building ecosystems for artists in the hood. We are riding on the wave of a legacy we are working hard to uphold, but evolve to support our current era.
Everything I do for NDA is about the community and that makes the community care just as much. This also makes people who see you floundering around trying to make things work more inclined to offer a helping hand. To be clear you need to be sincere about the vision. And I am.
It took me a while to understand how I can help with NDA but now that I do it’s 100% authentic and apparently it shows.
Authentic volunteering tends to increase your network value
I need to emphasize that you should get involved with something you are passionate for.
A lot of what I want for NDA is things I crave as an artist. I want to see a future where the knowledge I gained in my 30’s is available for the young ones. Google is a weird place and mentorship is really where it’s at.
If I can help create something that mentors the next generation of artists it would be a real blessing.
So far the people I’ve met on the not for profit journey are far outside the scope of performing at venues like Blue Dog. All love to Blue Dog but this is that parent world. These are nature loving moms who make bake sales happen. There are all types, I don’t want to typecast, but it’s not who I normally encounter at 1:30 in the morning after a dopamine hit from performing live.
We’re a bunch of people from different backgrounds who all share a common goal. It’s like the misfit crew in an 80’s movie about overcoming differences. Then there are other crews all over the city bonded over shared desires of growth.
Each of these crews knows something about generating something out of nothing. Being involved in this world only taps you into the greater network of people who donate time. It’s a new experience, different from the throw money at it and walk away types.
I’ve learned a lot so far and I’m very motivated so I’m here over sharing.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone.