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Growve MTL House Band Performing

They say you should go where the people are. No one ever knows who "they" are but in this case I agree. In an effort to meet new fans I started hitting up Growve MTL.

For a long time I rode a wave of hubris. Then I started throwing events and losing money. Life made it clear I have a lot to learn.

I am on the Orange line heading to Turbo Haüs as I write this beginning part. This will be the 4th time I attend this weekly, Wednesday night, test of off the dome ability.

This is a safe space

The first thing I noticed about Growve is that a lot of people go to Growve. Hosts Shem G., Darkus Millon & Shayne do an excellent job making everyone feel welcome. Extra love is always given to the sound guy, we're encouraged to buy him a drink.

You feel an energy in the room of acceptance. If anything, there is an absence of the testosterone and machismo you typically associate with local rap.

To be fair, it's not a local rap event. It is a jam that is open to musicians of all genres. If you feel brave enough to get on stage, you can.

There are a lot of women in the room who look like they want to be there. People dance in the crowd. Respect and boundaries contribute to an experience that feels very focused on the music.

It's really something to study. As DJ Blaster says, focus on making the women dance and the men will come.

Bonnie wanted you to know she appreciates the free tampons in the bathroom

Your Lady Friend Bonnie at Turbo Haus

What is a Growve MTL anyway?

We've moved into Thursday afternoon as I continue this blog. I just sold a pink, XL, pro pickle hoodie so my mood is pretty solid. Going to sell some Paul Wall tickets later, the hustle is real.

Back to Growve, it's a jam. This is a concert sub genre where musicians and vocalists improv music on the spot. From what I understand this jam is flooded with McGill music students looking to let loose.

Shayne, who is the list, will call up a group of musicians for this jam (each one is about 10 minutes). Shem G. then appears to set the tone by playing a song. Slowly each musician starts playing what the track inspires and Shem fades it out.

While the musicians are fixed for the specific jam, the vocalists remain in flux. Shem lets us know if you feel the beat, jump on stage and go.

The band will play an alive and progressive instrumental experience. Shem G. and/or Darkus will often set the tone vocally.

The jam segment is the main theme of the night. Before the jam starts the house band warms everyone up. Then there is a jam part, followed by a dedicated tribute section (where homage is payed to a legend), then more jamming.

As an audience member, be prepared to shake your booty.

Jamming with live musicians is fun

There are many ways to perform music live. Most often my name is on a flyer and I do a prepared set of X minutes. I can go up to an hour at this point.

Jamming, freestyling and improvising are all completely different. While I choose to go off the dome (this is the freestyle type that is completely unwritten), you can more or less perform any vocals when jamming. If it fits, you could sing Britney Spears.

Some things to keep in mind:

  1. Counting bars is relevant. If you can't, listen for the cue the band about to switch. There is always a cue. Expect to do a 16 in a verse.

  2. If you fuck up, keep going. Since you are freestyling, people are forgiving but stopping makes it awkward.

  3. Let the band play. A good half of the jam will be the band turning up.

  4. Don't be greedy. If you went up, give it a jam or two before you go up again.

  5. Focus on having fun. The crowd wants to have a good time, impressing them is cool but entertaining them is better.

The last thing to remember is that you aren't special. People are geeking over drummers, bassists, keyboardists, singers and whatever tickles their fancy. You are participating in a collaborative effort that combines all those elements into something special for that moment.

It's scary to jam

Performing my already known tunes is a vibe. Watching people connect with your art is an unbelievable feeling. I love it when people are high key disappointed I didn't perform a song.

It takes a different kind of courage to jam. This is the view from the stage yesterday at Turbo Haüs:

View of crowd at Turbo Haus

That's a lot of people watching you do something that isn't scripted. Many people do use writtens, I just wing it. I figure worst case I do a trash verse.

Immediately after that pic was taken, I did a trash verse. I did redeem myself later on performing a solid verse about falling in love in the sun. Sometimes it takes a minute to warm up.

Shem and Darkus make it look really easy. I do not feel I'm a good freestyler. If you want to see me in my zone, come out to one of the concerts where I perform my music. In the mean time I embrace my mediocrity and push to get better as an emcee.

Chris Chrome also went up and did his thing. His free free was better than mine. Next week I'll do better.

Only way to be less trash is to keep getting up and doing it. Thank goodness Growve MTL is a safe space.

The networking potential is real

I walked in and Chris was already chopping it up with someone. This person knew how to book that public gardin area by Berri-UQAM metro. I took a candid shot of this moment.

Chris Chrome networking

Since Growve is a fun time, it attracts a lot of people. Each week I have gone there has been a lineup. If you do want to participate I recommend getting there before 9:00 PM.

I have met new fans. I have met musicians I can work with. I have gotten to see how people, far outside the sphere of the scene I play in, operate.

Should we want to achieve greater success, seeing how they pull lineup level crowds on a Wednesday is smart. I recommend all my peers make the effort to check out this jam night.

There is a smaller version of Growve that takes place at Blue Dog on Thursdays for those that want to practice in a smaller environment.

You never know who you will meet at these events. The crowd is constantly full of people there for the first time.

You should go to Growve too

Whoever that infamous "they" is said go where the people are. There is a bunch of the people at Growve MTL every week. I've gone 4 times and each time the place felt more full than many of the sets I perform my own music at.

Logically then, if we go to the jam enough times. People will get to know us better and want to come support the other shows we do. I've legit met a lot of cool people so far in the short time I've participated.

It's a pretty good place to bring a date too. Get on stage flex for 2 minutes, go back and dance with your person. Proper vibes.

Until the next time.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone


Mar 09, 2023

Thats a dope article sir!! Enticed me to join!!

Holden Roy
Holden Roy
Mar 09, 2023
Replying to

That's super dope to see

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