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From the Job Fair to the Weed Store

Getting that London Donovan swag

It took a few days to flush the alcohol out of my system and think about my actions over the prior week. I go back and forth a lot with my passions. I get all enflamed than look back and analyze what is worth doing again. Existence is a state of flux.

To any future potential employers reading this, the weed store was an opportunity to make some money.

The week was calmer, playing catchup and all the fun that comes with excess. Thankfully bumpy moments breed new PRSPCTVS and allow us to grow as people.

It helps with leaving regrets in the past to know there is value in your losses. Having the empathy to recognize what your actions do to others is important. Overall, I find people forgiving if you are willing to evolve.

I probably won’t be drinking for awhile.

What is a job fair?

entering the job fair

Bonnie encouraged me to check out this job fair at Palais des Congrès (convention center) downtown. I am unemployed, still living off the wisdom of past Holden mixed with some side income. Shoutout the pickle merch.

We are hitting the point where the coasting phase needs to migrate into a having income would be lovely phase. I’ve been on Indeed sending off CVs but procrastinator that I am knows it’s not crunch time yet. Still, a job fair feels like a good thing to go to when you are unemployed in a formal capacity.

Pro Tip: if you are on a deadline, go early, there was a lineup. Inevitably I get in as the line is pretty quick and I start walking around. This was like Indeed, but in real life. Booth after booth of people hoping people walk up to them and people wandering looking a little lost not sure who to approach.

booths at the job fair

It was a very French experience where the target demo seemed to be immigrants and young people. I think if you are comfortable online that may be the flex but seeing our government organize this to help people find work, is cool.

I did not come into this with a strategy and after 30 minutes felt that I need to find a specialized version of this for the roles I want. It’s pretty overwhelming if you don’t know specific jobs you want. Job hunting is a whole job to be real.

The mad dash home

I did not have a lot of time for the job fair. They opened at 10:00 AM and I was getting picked up at 12:30 PM. So, I cycled on over to the job fair and got there at 10:05. After about 30 minutes I had this moment of realization that I needed to research job positions.

I’ve always been in a weird hybrid role where my skillset is all over. Job hunting is about appeasing the AI bots that scan CVs and stuff. Over the next couple of weeks don’t be shocked if I start writing more about what I learn on that front.

Also spend more time looking at a job fair before going. The website really had all the tools to plan your trip ahead of time. I was a last minute magoo.

I boogied on home and was at the crib by 11:30. I needed to shower, grab my merch and be on the bus so I could get picked up by Rozwel. The pickup spot was for Shobiz514 and as I as not booked at this event and just tagging along, I figured let’s not be more annoying than I can be.

As I got home, I found out Rozwel was a bit behind, which was lovely. I had more time to do my thing. I arrived at the pickup spot, and we were on our way.

Heading to the 4/20 event

Half the KIL Team was booked at a 4/20 event at Herbal Solutions. My ego first clouded my vision as I was not selected to perform. Inevitably I decided to not be a wanker and support the team.

Thankfully my team backs me as I am and gets how I grow. My team is lit.

We drive up to Kanesatake and take some backroads to Herbal Solutions. The SQ was all over them Kanesatake roads given the day and the assumed tomfoolery. A lot of weed stores out there were doing events with concerts or at least a DJ.

We needed to get there early as the performers had to sound check. My motivation was to sell some merch so the longer I was there the more advertising and potential for sales there was. Once I got my head where I needed it to be I was very excited for the opportunity.

Shobiz at herbal solutions

Our whip had Rozwel, Shobiz514, Natasha Marie and me. We arrived at a gas station that being built in real time and parked. Herbal Solutions was next door to the in-progress gas station and had a whole setup.

There were vendors outside, alongside a BBQ generating smoke. The store itself is nice and offers a good selection of stuff the SQDC won’t sell you.

There was a performance stage area under a tent and Dirty Dogs was set up next to our merch booth providing great stoned food. It was a vibe.

Exploring the 4/20 festivities

We had time to kill before the KIL Team was needed. Wil E. Skandalz made it sound like Green Room was a short 2 KM away, so we started walking. Rozwel came to his senses and got us back to the car before we went too far.

While driving we realized how far that short 2KM that was. I just Googled it, the distance is actually 5.5 KM. Yo, people really should trust the Rozwel’s over the Holden’s, who was just like “let’s just walk it”, without checking.

We get to the Green Room which is a carnival adventure as always. Great music is playing. We decide to walk up to the street and come across The Medicine Box. Outside is London Donavan and they offer us a vape.

Shobiz514 drops the we’re rappers on them and they give us some swag. We film stories on the spot and get even more stuff.

There are now 4 vape pens instead of the 2 I bought inside of my apartment, which is lovely, my last one was getting low.

I did get a Snickers and Peanut Butter flavoured one, I guess I had a craving for nuts at that moment. I wrote that sentence for Rozwel’s amusement.

People loved the pickle

I sold a hoodie to the lovely lady from Herbal Solutions right away. She walked around wearing it the entire event. That was real cool to see.

She spoke to me about a collab where we put the pickle next to her brand and thank goodness someone else got me thinking about patches and collabs already.

Overall, most people felt the brand was cool. While I only sold the one piece, there is a lot more interest in it than before (relatively speaking). I gave my number, Instagram and website to several people and realized how important a business card is heavy.

It’s Gucci, CC is working on mine.

It’s kind of remarkable to see the reaction to something that happened so organically in my life. Maybe one day I’ll dedicate a blog article to that journey. Check out the store on this site if you want to cop your own merch.

Also, shoutout Digital Fire who had a clothing rack. Hanging my sweaters on the rack made it hella easy to attract people to the rack.

I used all my French skills to hustle my merch to people. I’m optimistic on how much money is realistic off this campaign.

The DJ’s of the day

Between the acts we had the KIL Team represented with the DJ work. Digital Fire and Real Eyes Open did their thing keeping us motivated with an assortment of tunes catered to our audience.

This was more a festival, store throwing an event vibe than a straight concert. We all did light a joint together at 4:20 PM. Between that we hung out and talked. Edibles were definitely consumed by me, who at the time did not believe I needed to perform.

Natasha Marie got this cupcake at Green Room and I wished I had got one. So, I got a brownie from Herbal Solutions, and it was a good potent one. The car ride home I did not stop talking.

Still Digital Fire and Real Eyes held us down. Each of them having their distinct approach to blending songs. I’m not a great DJ reviewer but the people around stayed, so they did their job.

holden stephan roy smoking a sword joint

Shoutout Drug Prophets and Stoney S. Babe for coming through. Oh, since this section is short, there was a cool joint rolling competition. Look, I smoked a sword joint.

The show begins

Will E. Skandalz performing with Digital Fire

Will E. Skandalz started off the performances. He was our host and I prefer it when the host starts off the night with a set. At the very least if the host does one song it adds some charm, like eyyyyy the host is good at this too.

Will E. felt at home on stage with Digital Fire behind him backing him up. He knows his set material well and you can feel his experience within his delivery. He was also high as a kite off edibles and this was also very clear in his delivery, both things being true at once.

Don’t try that unless you know how kiddos.

Shobiz514 performing with Digital Fire

Following Will E. Skandalz was none other than Shobiz514. This man is riding a wave and his new song playing on that theme is a vibe and a half. It has a whole switchup and showcases the evolution of Shobiz’ show business. His performance was strong and really enjoyable.

Smoking ink performing at Herbal Solutions

Next up was Smoking Ink. They performed three songs I don’t feel they performed at the set I most recently saw. I emphasize this because you never know what you will get with Smoking Ink and they have enough hits that you will continue to be entertained.

They did a great job, again.

Always, and I mean always, bring that USB key

Inevitably Will E. hit me with the, you have a USB key. For a second I thought I had left it at home and started sweating. By now the edibles had kicked in and the anxiety of stuff going wrong was real.

Then I remembered it was probably still in my bag because I had just been there and done this. I checked, and as Shobiz514 was clowning me, rightfully so, I found it. Saving my dignity and creating this moment for the blog.

holden stephan roy performing at Herbal Solutions

I was also very high on edibles and did my fallback 3 songs I know very well. A quick little Lose Weight, anti pickle rant, cold cuts joint, then get them bumping with a Clap Those Hands.

Shoutout Tru Story and Nicholas Henry (cameraman) for turning up during my songs. They show love in a super visible way. I appreciate that.

natasha Merie and Nicholas Henry dancing

Nicholas Henry definitely shows all the love. Natasha Marie was the next performer and he ended up pulling up behind her and having a fun time with it.

Natasha Marie had a crazy fun set. She looked and performed like a star. She has a very versatile set combining Hip Hop and Caribbean flavour into something truly her.

Smoke Spell performing

Smoke Spell was the headline act. They brought a full genre switch being a complete band with a very passionate singer. They give an incredibly lively and fun performance, albeit a complete vibe switch. We did leave mid performance.

These storefront performances though

As much as I love the venue performance, there’s something to be said about performing in front of a marijuana vendor. One thing you know is people making the trip to this store probably have money on them. People don’t tend to take a 45 plus minute ride for a three and a half.

Lately I’ve been wondering about how to create more visibility for the pickle merch. If I can sell 20 hoodies a week, I can make enough money to do some damage on my life costs.

The thing about people going to a weed store, is they are a particular brand of human. They are a stoner that wants to go through the experience of seeing a copious amount of product they fantasize about purchasing. This makes them feel extra joyful when finally copping what they cop.

This group of people also is very likely to geek on the cartoon pickle NuclearConvoy made for me. I was exposed to an entirely new audience for the pickle, and they liked it. While I would have loved to have sold more, selling that hoodie covered my gas and hot dog costs.

That gave me a lot to think about, there is definitely a bigger pay day in selling my clothes than my music. It’s also pretty cool I’m a fashion designer dude now, even if I stumbled into it and don’t know a lot.

I slept for 10 hours

Like I said before, I talked the entire car ride home. This was pointed out to me as we were pulling up near the end. I am unaware of when I go into this mode where I talk incessantly.

For those that are around me when this happens, tell me to shut up. It may take a few tries, but I get that I do this and I am willing to try to cooperate. It may not happen immediately though, but I will comply.

I don’t really know how much edibles I ate, but I do know that it was a good day. I could have easily missed this moment in my life over pride, instead I chose to go in for the team and won big.

Say what you will about me, but I try and do the right thing when the time comes. Anyway, today is the NARS show, and I need to go get everything done so I can be on time for that.

I look forward to updating you tomorrow no matter how the night goes because trust me, I am way less stressed come tomorrow.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone


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