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Drug Prophets, Horg Studios & Podcasts

Holden Stephan Roy, Peter West & Travis Bryant

Some days are busier than others. Keeping busy is a good way to make sure you forget a bunch of the stuff you did. Looking back tends to always fill me with surprise, take a minute to really think on all your wins in life.

The kind of day I forget are the ones where you check off all the boxes. Yesterday I was up before 6 and rode it through until midnight, with only one morning nap. This is why this blog matters to me, I want a record of what I did.

I'm writing this, sleep deprived in the car on the way to Toronto. The goal is to keep up the blog while on the road. It's easy to do with routine at my PC, the challenge is keeping up with the changing tide. And I'm doing this on my phone in full.

Our PRSPCTVS is fun

Today, the content will be all over the place. After I wrote the blog yesterday came the Our PRSPCTVS live stream. This is the new show Flacko and I started, specifically to talk our shit.

We recorded episide 4 yesterday, you can watch it here:

What's fun is I'm finally doing something topical. Most of our content is evergreen. Evergreen content is when it can be viewed any time and be relevant.

This time it's topical. Pretty much all the stuff we discuss is based on what happened last week. While our commentary will provide entertainment whenever you watch it, the subject mattet will be dated.

Given PRSPCTVS is so formal, it's nice to let our hair down. There's no guest to impress. We get to bomb around and talk about whatever.

In this era of creation, people want to know who the person behind the art is. While you do your best to insert your personality and story into an interview, it's their story, not yours.

Subscribe, like and comment though.

Charge your phone folks

Next up, I had to cycle to Hochelaga to record music. I had 35% battery and said, all good, I'll bring my portable charger. It gets me through a lot, look I'm using it now.

Portable charger

I grabbed the wire. My bag was packed and I took off. Google Maps and Spotify were open and ready as I took off.

Google brought me down by the canal. I always enjoy that ride so I was excited. Only to my chagrin, the snow had not melted.

Pretty much everywhere else was clear but this kilometer or so of my trip. Bunch of get off and walk moments, added a good 10 minutes.

I was already late and Horg Man had hit me with a don't be an hour late. Then, past the snow blockades my phone died.

Turns out I had the wrong wire. I didn't know where Rouen was. A slow panic set in.

I kept going east, found a dep and copped an overpriced charger. Got my phone on, turns out I was only 10 minutes away.

Crisis averted.

To the Horg Cave

Horg Man in his studio

I finally get to Horg Man's studio, 30 minutes late. I had been cycling for an hour and a half and was ready to light one. I had no lighter though.

I sucked it up and went in. Horg was cool about my tardiness. We chopped it up and I found out Shem G. was on the song. I literally met Shem a few months back and he introduced me to Growve MTL.

The song also has Paul Cargnello on it. He sings real good and clearly knows music. Apparently it's a lot of NDG on this song.

I went into the booth and recorded my 16. It went quick and easy. Since I was late I couldn't be trash.

Horg man's studio

Shem, Paul and I all do very different things on this song. I like it a lot. Can't wait until you can all hear it.

Thankfully life works out

Rozwel is driving us to Toronto and back as we bring Montreal to Fred E. Fame's lil festival. For a brief period of time Rozwel maybe couldn't come.

I'm very glad this worked out. Shobiz514 and I were going to hit up Enterprise and get the whip otherwise. I have no idea how I would have made it to the rental place on time.

Why Enterprise? The unlimited kilometers is nice. All of the Turo options had kilometer caps that were too small. I have to remember to look more into car rental options.

Overall I was glad the song recording went well. The bike ride home was nicer. I realized Google gave me a convoluted route for no good reason.

I now know it's take De Maissoneuve until you cannot no more. Than make a left. Then turn right on Rouen. 18$ on a cable for what? That should have been easy to remember.

Pulling up at Silvertooth Gym

Silvertooth Gym

I cycled over to Silvertooth Gym around 8:00 PM. This was the doors open time for the D.R.U.G. Prophets Sound Collective event.

A bunch of my peoples were performing. Will E. Skandalz and Stoney S. Babe were the hosts. Dj Blaster was there with the music, yuuuuuuuuuup!

I arrived at doors open as I knew I was gone by 10 PM. There was a good number of people already there. What was really cool was some live painting going on.

Drug prophets being painted

All in all, the ambience was fire. It's not a venue, it's a gym, being used for a show. It has a raw underground feel.

Given it's location on St. Jacques, they wanted all smoking to happen in the back of the building. Makes sense, no one wants the police pulling up to find out what's going on.

Dre from Drug Prophets

Dre and the team did a great job. The promo was on point and they built up hype. They were right, it was hype.

I finally met Peter West

Holden Stephan Roy & Peter West

Peter West of Northern Beat Society is someone dear to my hear. Once upon a time I did the Bridge the Gap with Bars contest run. This was only possible because Peter gave out like 25 free beats to the cause.

That was a huge catalyst moment for me. Peter West and I chatted a lot over 2021 and 2022. He hooked me up with a bunch of cool EDM beats.

Y'all may have heard this:

This is Northern Beat Society. You can see their logo on the cover.

Yep same man behind them more traditional fuego you love, gave me this.

I consider him a real homie who has always been good to me. It was nice to meet him in real life. It's crazy how you can make music with someone and not even meet them for years.

The show begins

Chris chrome and Aurora

The show started around 9:30 PM. This feels reasonable for an 8:00 PM doors open.

The first act was Rico Blox. He came out dolo and was ready. Wireless mic in hand he proceeded to perform as if he was born for this moment.

Rico rap raps, but isn't annoying about it. He spits true to self lyrics with the passion of a tenured entertainer that still loves it. His hook game strong too.

He brought out Travis Bryant for Out The Dirt. This is Travis' second time on stage in Montreal in years, I beat Rico to the punch by a week.

Rico Blox and Travis Bryant performing

The Chomedy meets NDG crossover went in. Then Rico moved onto King of the Jungle, dropping a barrage of bars. Rico crushed his set.

The next dude was from Toronto. Stoney commented om how dope it was he drove in just to perform. We're on the 401 right now, driving the same distance to perform.

I missed his name so I can update that after. He gave a fun performance that made me feel inclined to dance. Good energy.

Then I left. 10 PM had come and I needed food.

The McDonalds app is lit

Next up I hit the McDonalds app and got a double Big Mac. Then I added 2 more patties. I had cycled like 40 KM and was ready for beef.

Got the food, went home and devoured it. Then packed up my bags. Rozwel, Shobiz514 banged out the last few logistics and boom... day was done.

Literally, it was after midnight. Woke up at 4:40 AM and alas here we are. En route to Toronto. Ready to rap.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone


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