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Don’t Discount The Power Of Faith

Writer: Holden Stephan RoyHolden Stephan Roy

When I was younger and growing up in church circles the idea of faith was instilled into me.

Without real evidence, you are supposed to believe with conviction. Apparently faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains. While the idea was to believe in Jesus, faith is faith regardless of what you believe in.

Fanatics of all kinds of sports clubs believe in their people to win. Sometimes that faith is so blind that even when a hockey team hasn’t won a cup since 1967 the people go in every year believing this will be the one. Even though it never is. 

Faith is a beautiful thing because it motivates people. I find it more active than hope. Hope leaves too much to destiny. 

Faith takes matters into its own hands and gets things done.

What does faith mean anyway?

The definition of faith as I found on Google, stolen from Oxford Languages reads:

complete trust or confidence in someone or something

Damn that’s serious. 

To put your complete trust or confidence into something is a real commitment. There is risk. You will probably face some harsh ridicule and if you are wrong… there may be real ass consequences.

The thing about faith is that it’s the opposite of doubt. It’s not a religious term albeit it’s co-opted by and usually used with in connection to religion. The thing about faith is that you actually need to believe these things to be true. 

It’s not the stuff your friends tell you. It’s not what societal pressure says. It’s what deep down inside you feel is the actual truth.

When you have faith, you think something is real. 

Having faith in yourself means you think you can do the things you say

I have always had faith I can do something proper with music in my life.

The timeline has never lined up with my expectations, but often my habits weren’t successful people habits. Now that I’m focused, I see more and more positivity in my life. More of the things I’ve maintained my faith in are coming to life in front of me. 

To get to this place required believing that despite all evidence saying otherwise, I could write songs people would connect with. I kept on trying. I argued with the world and made terrible business choices. However I kept on going, spending and making more music. Nobody to this day can convince me to stop.

Years ago it all felt like pipe dreams but I knew I would get somewhere with it. I believed in myself, with all the passion Christians told me to put into Jesus. That’s not meant to be ridicule, I quite literally did that. 

Because of that faith, I established habits, interests and relationships that allow me to be the eccentric person I am today.

The only way to make people believe in you is to believe in yourself.

It’s hard to lack confidence when looking at the fruits of your faith

In the grand scheme of the universe, I know that I have accomplished the tiniest modicum of success when it comes to music.

That being said I know I’ve come so much farther with my life than I truly thought I would. The journey has taught me how to manage everything from products to people. I’ve learned several skills that are monetizeable with a little bit of code switching.

I own capital expense things that my business can use for money making. Because I have faith in my success, I know that these purchases are things that will come back to me. Only at this stage of life do I find the experiences to be as valuable as the money.

The more cool stuff I get to do on my quest to make better art, the more my faith grows. I’ve seen the results of my effort and I want more. There’s nothing but death that can stop me. 

Sometimes I stop and look at everything I’ve done and I just smile. I’m proud of the person I’ve become and my confidence blooms. Even if other days I wake up insecure. 

Faith is important to me, I think it’s the cornerstone of long term goals.

Have faith in yourself folks.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone


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