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DJ Blaster, A Party Bus and a Trip to Tremblant

Writer: Holden Stephan RoyHolden Stephan Roy
Party bus

The goal of this blog run is to share my subjective reality. I will do my best to keep my emotions at bay, but these writeups are my PRSPCTVS. Even though they can be salty and extra.

It is often me sharing how I feel in the moment. Feelings change as new moment's alter my PRSPCTVS further. We live and learn.

I'd like to clarify this isn't the news. It's more an avenue for me to wax poetic on things people get bored of when I talk. I'm telling my story one adventure at a time.

Watching 448Films work

448films & Shobiz514

After my 3:30 AM whinfest the other night, I got myself up early. Shobiz514 wanted us in Ville-Emard for noon. Right after I woke up, I found out the video shoot would be at 3:00 PM instead.

That was fine by me. I juggled tasks around and pulled up at Shobiz' childhood crib on time. We waited a bit than 448Films arrived.

That man works for the shot. Sun baking on his head, he bopped around waving his camera like a sword.

He displayed a high level of patience as we all learned about working with children. It took his directorial prowess to get Shobiz' nephew to walk up the street, without sticking his tongue out.

Still all that work will produce a cool shot with a flashback scene.

If he said it, he meant it my dude.

Needed a nap

By this point I've gone out 2 days in a row and had 2 more to go. I'm writing the beginning of this on the bus heading to the Madchild show. Today is 4 of 4.

After cycling to Ville-Emard and back I took myself a nap. I was woken by a flustered Bonnie, there was no hot water.

I sucked it up and dealt with the icy cold water of doom as I cleaned. Bonnie heated water up on the stove and did a hybrid bath/shower thing.

Either way, in the nick of time, we headed down to the building lobby. Bottle of rum in bag. JS #NOREGARD was there waiting.

Having linked up we were ready to head to Namur metro.

What's a limousine anyway?

I don't know exactly what I was expecting but basically got on a Greyhound styled bus. We were told not to drink.

We then may or may not have consumed a copious amount of booze. I may or may not have had my rum bottle and chased it with D'Usee. Let it be said that JS tried to warn us.

Google, backed by Oxford says a limousine is, a large, luxurious automobile, especially one driven by a chauffeur who is separated from the passengers by a partition.

A limo is just short for limousine.

Limo definition

I wasn't being cute, that's the definition. I can't say what a limo bus is or is not.

That bus ride down was quite incredible though.

A different kind of faded

Both my knees are bruised. I fell twice. DJ Blaster was very keen on sharing the tale at the Madchild show.

Bonnie told me all about my tomfoolery. The video Chris captured of Travis Bryant and I going in on Bad and Bougee is for the books.

Honey Benjamin and her homies pulled up too. Our posse alone was 9 deep and we may or may not have gotten turnt AF on that bus ride.

Other posses may or may not have done the same.

I must say my memories of the night more or less disappear once we get to the club.

It made me think a lot about drinking to that extent. I had a great time. I know that, but it's all I know.

Lounge Jackalope is nice

I definitely advise drunk people to be cautious of the step. That being said I remember it was a cool spot.

At the back in the VIP area there was more free alcohol. Drunk me has a drink it all problem I learned.

To the random girl who's drink I took a swig of, should you read this, I'm sorry.

The night was blurry and to my knowledge I wasn't that extra. I was clearly drunk drunk but was in it.

Bonnie made it clear that she is not that interested in being my drunk handler. I probably wouldn't have gone so far without knowing she was there.

She is truly incredible. Especially given how sloppy I was.

JS had my back too. Good people matter.

I got home somehow

No for real I don't remember the bus ride home. I wrote some dorky shit in a blog draft and deleted it.

I woke up and I think I may have still been drunk. I found my keys next to the toilet.

I felt way less bad than I expected. Still I'm finishing this on the way home from the Madchild show. That will be for tomorrow.

Live Long and Prosper Everyone


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