There is a clear synergy in the world between some proper music and strippers.
Last night I performed at an event that was effectively a Hip Hop showcase with the added element of strippers. Thus, the titular Strip-Hop. When you see the name it’s a bit eyebrow raising. Most of us had no idea how it would go. Now that I’ve lived to tell my tale I’m excited to say it was pretty fun.
There are a few ways I think that can replicate the fun. I’ve seen a few attempts at a Strip-Hop event fail. In order for this to really be successful though, a few things need to be established.
Here are my thoughts on how to make this fun for everyone.
Letting people smoke weed inside is an asset
I know a few of you read that and were like I don’t want to go.
That’s okay, I’m sure there is a way to do this without having a bunch of people wanting to smoke weed, but I don’t know how to make that happen. What I do know is that if people have to go outside to smoke weed, they are not inside being entranced by athleticism and booty.
Maybe it’s because I smoke a lot, but from my anecdotal experience, people smoke cigarettes fast. They can burn through it in a few mins and get their nicotine. It’s totally fine, in this vape friendly world, to not have cigarettes inside.
With weed, the people will go outside and get distracted. It takes at least 15-20 minutes for people to get through the joint, with all the conversation that happens. The festive energy has no one feeling like they are in a rush.
Also performers tend to run outside to smoke, bringing their whole posse, right after they are done. Letting them burn inside will keep a larger amount of people inside for longer. If they can smoke ciggies too, no one would go outside.
I never said this was a healthy endeavour.
There needs to be an easy way to get money out
Last night I was sitting on this very comfy couch (big asset).
One of the artists was performing and this girl was just shaking her ass, more or less in my face. As I looked around the room, I realized that no one had cash. There was no ATM present, people did not come prepared with the price points and these girls were working for what little money came in.
However you can charge rappers to have girls dancing in their performance. There are private lap dance upsell options. Who knows how far your money would really take you if you were in that place?
Now in the defence of the artists, no one got booked to do a Strip-Hop show. They got booked to do a showcase networking event. Which then evolved into a Strip-Hop.
Since people did not bring money like that, and only found out what things cost on the day of, it was a missed opportunity for these ladies to make their end of it all.
Now for all I know there was an ATM across the street or something, but if the goal is to keep people inside, sending them across the street for money seems off. Then again, if they got no money, then what’s the point?
At the very least if the audience for the stripper's bag is the rappers, the rappers need to know to come with coin.
The strippers signal that the event is going to be fun
I did a little informal survey with all the girlfriends that were present to see how they felt.
Across the board they were pro strippers at the event. If anything it told them at least this show is not going to be a complete sausage fest. There’s more to it than a group of mostly dudes rapping at you.
Now crafting the branding into a party with performances and making sure it’s in a fun environment, with comfy couches, is going to attract people. I’m a lot more inclined to watch your set if there are girls dancing. I didn’t realize that until last night, but the strippers really enhanced the way I received everyone’s music.
Now for those with different morals, or who feel this isn’t their scene, valid, but imagine you knew there’d be professional dancers of the clothed variety enhancing the vibe, it just makes for a fun show.
I’ve never really been a strip club guy, but as I go to more things including strippers, the more I respect their hustle. They dance and bring energy to the music. It is most definitely an asset.
All that to say, I had fun in Toronto.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone